Additional Projects

The following are a few projects that I have worked on or continue to work on as time permits.

University at Albany Mind Studies Association:
An interdisciplinary organization that I co-founded which is designed to foster interdisciplinary dialogue, education, and collaboration on issues related to the mind. The link above will take you to the organization's YouTube page where you can watch all of our sponsored talks. 

Philosophers as Baseball Logos:
A series of logos and t-shirts that I designed for The University at Albany's Philosophy Department softball team (based on the Baltimore Orioles' Smiling Bird logo). 

Philosophy Spells for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition:
An ongoing project in which I attempt to make spells for Dungeons & Dragons out of philosophical ideas, jargon, and thought experiments.

lofi philosophy radio - audiobooks to relax/study to:
An ongoing project in which I make 'lofi' style remixes of the LibriVox audiobooks for classic philosophical works. 

The Sans-Bayonet:
A store of hip-hop and rap production that I have done. I occasionally still work on music and upload it here, but not regularly.